Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Weird?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
- Ex: We have the technology to clone but we don't have any form of technology to tell us if we should do it.
- Ex: A ruler "tells" us to measure things with it.
- Ex: The good side of the car was that we are able to get places faster. The bad side is that it causes air pollution, which is, obviously, bad for the environment.
- Ex: Blogs vs. Newspapers
- -Blogs are an easier way to get news stories, but they sometimes only cover one side of the story or only cover the main points and not the details.
- -Newspapers cover what's happening in one specific town. They usually have all the facts and (depending on what paper) tell the whole story. But now that people are getting their news from the web, newspapers are becoming practically extinct. ** Bad side to them going out of business: the printing companies may go out of business to and people could loose their jobs.
- Ex: Talking to people.
- When we talk face to face, we have body language, tone of voice, and the words we use.
- When we talk on the phone, we have tone of voice and the words we choose.
- When we text or IM, we only have the words we use.
- As you can see, each time we got a new technology, we were forced to get rid of something.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Plate Tetonic Theory
The plates are moving. On each plate is a continent or ocean. There are different boundaries; they are:
- Transforming- when two plates are moving past each other[many earthquakes]
- Converging- when two plates are running into each other
- Diverging- when the plates are moving apart
In the converging boundary, a more dense plate that's going slower than a plate that is going faster will go below the less dense one. When that happens, its called subduction. In a diverging boundary, lava comes through a space that is revealed as the plates move apart. In a transforming boundary, the plates move across each other.
There are layers to the earth. They are:
- Crust(lithospere)-Thinnest; made of rocks
- Mantle-made of magma; thickest; convection currents in mantle cause the plates on the crust to move
- Outer Core- liquid metal; causes magnetic field
- Inner Core-solid metal [dense]
Vocab terms to know
Pangea- supercontinent

Evidence to support^^^
- puzzle-look of continent borders
- landform locations
- fossils on two different plates are the same
Mid Atlantic Ridge- where a diverging boundary is seperating and causing lava to come out and makes a raised section of rock. It looks like the coasts of South America and Africa, which supports the Pangea idea.

Hot Spot- an opening in the crust that doen't move; pressure from the mantle
This is a picture of the hot spot that caused the Hawaiian islands to form.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
We've done differnet projects with our "table" group. We've also worked with students from different class periods. link1 link2
I like that we don't have homework and that its challenging.
We are learning different things about science and how scientists work.
One day we worked on trying to figure out what this blue stuff was. Its called Ooblek. Here's us:
That day, we learned about a continuum. Ooblek registers in between solid and liquid.
Another activity we did, was clay boats. We did it when we were learning about sinking and floating.
things with a density less than 1 float, greater than 1 sink
We even categorized a small amount of rocks. Here's how: